Cerasee Leaves
Cerasee, also known as Bitter Melon, scientifically known as "Momordica charantia," is a very bitter herb, but like every other bitter herbmit purifies the blood and the body. It is a native to Africa and the Middle East and can today be found in almost every parts of the world. It was introduced to Brazil by African slaves and from there, bitter melon spread to the rest of Latin America and the West Indies.
Other names for this plant are Bitter bush, Bitter gourd, Caprika, Karali, Karela, Balsam apple, Balsam pear, Paoka, Vegetable insulin, Mexicaine, Corrilla, Madian apple and Achochilla.
The fruit (known as goyain Okinawa) is a significant ingredient in Okinawan cuisine (about 80% carbohydrates) and is increasingly used in mainland Japan. It is popularly associated with Okinawan life expectancies being higher than the already long Japanese ones.
Because this plant is natural, the minerals, amino acids, and vitamins contained are easily absorbed by the digestive system thereby allowing for greater efficacy and absorption.
The herb contains nutrients like vitamins A, B1, B3, B9 and C, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and dietary fibre.
Cerasee tea (Bitter Melon tea) health benefits
In Jamaica, Cerasee is a very popular herb. The leaves and stem are usually boiled or drawn into a tea and taken for purging/detoxing the body and blood. Cerasee is also sometimes given to children for fevers and colds. In addition, Cerasee is also used sometimes with other herbs to make a bush bath to treat skin problems like rashes and eczema. In some cases, the fresh leaves and stem are crushed and rubbed on the skin to deal with skin problems and insect bites.
Cerasee is also taken for a number of illnesses including:
Parasitic worms
Urinary tract infections
Menstrual pains
Abdominal pains
Skin health:
Drinking bitter gourd tea promotes blood circulation, helping in nourishing the skin and improving its texture. Furthermore, the tea can be used to get rid of scabies (a contagious skin infestation) and ringworm caused by fungal infections. Other skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can also be treated.
Antioxidant properties:
In a 2008 study, research suggests that tea made from the leaves of the bitter gourd plant had greater antioxidant activity than the fruit. The leaf is rich in a number of beneficial antioxidants, including catechin (phytochemical) and gallic acid, which helps to boost the immune system and prevent damages caused by free radicals.
Good for bones:
This herb is rich in nutrients like vitamin A, C, calcium and iron, which are easily absorbed by the system, strengthening the bones and thereby avoiding osteoporosis.
Prevents heart disease:
Researches advise consumption of this caffeine-free tea aids in decreasing the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), hence lessening the chances of heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases. Additionally, in folk medicine, this tea has been usually used as an herbal remedy for hypertension.
Warnings and side effects of Cerasee tea (bitter melon tea)
It is acknowledged that this herb should be taken for 9 days and then a break should be taken until further use is necessary. Excessive use of Cerasee may cause liver damage, so use with caution.
Pregnant mothers or those desiring to become pregnant should not consume the bitter melon fruit or as a tea.